Sessões Zoom de Mantra e Dharma com Mestre XianZhi
Master XianZhi, abbot of Jeweled Mountain Temple in Korea, leads a zoom mantra section, held:
Sundays, 9-10am, Korean Time (Saturdays, 4-5pm PST) In addition, he also leads a zoom section "Listen to Master YongHua's Dharma talks" Wednesdays, 8-9pm, Korean Time (Wednesdays, 3-4am PST) These classes are conducted in English, Vietnamese, and Korean (with Korean-English interpreter). Please feel free to join anytime during the sessions. Join the Zoom by clicking here, or enter: Meeting ID: 814 6178 7015 Passcode: 378130 |
Aula de Meditação Chan em Chinês com Mestre XianXin
This Zoom meditation class is conducted in Chinese, with participants joining from around the world.
Master XianXin leads the class, every Tuesday at 6:00am PDT Please contact us at [email protected] if you wish to attend class. |
Introdução à Meditação Chan com Mestre XianWen

This class is primarily conducted in Korean,
and led by XianWen Sunim.
[줌 목요일 참선 워크숍]
Thursday 9 - 10am Korean time (During Daylight Savings)
Thursday 10-11am Korea Time (During Standard Time)
Wednesday 8pm (East coast)
Wednesday 5pm (Pacific coast)
목요일 오전9-10am (During Daylight Savings)
목요일 오전10-11am (During Standard Time)
Join the Zoom by clicking here, or enter:
Zoom Meeting ID: 839 875 9712
Passcode: chan
and led by XianWen Sunim.
[줌 목요일 참선 워크숍]
Thursday 9 - 10am Korean time (During Daylight Savings)
Thursday 10-11am Korea Time (During Standard Time)
Wednesday 8pm (East coast)
Wednesday 5pm (Pacific coast)
목요일 오전9-10am (During Daylight Savings)
목요일 오전10-11am (During Standard Time)
Join the Zoom by clicking here, or enter:
Zoom Meeting ID: 839 875 9712
Passcode: chan